CS401 S99 Midterm Review

by Edward Chow

There will be 4 questions asked.  Your grade will be based on the best three answers.
There will be a link from here to the midterm web page.  Here is the link to midterm. It will be turn on 12:15pm, 3/16.  You will have 1 hour 15 min. to work on the midterm.   You can work at home or at PC lab where you can access it through a web browser.  Since some of the questions will be related to Apache server configuration directives, you need to be able to access server document web pages (at www.apache.org or at bilbo.uccs.edu).  Here are questions related to the four areas we covered:
    1. Basic Apache Web Server Configuration and Operation.
    2. Virtual Hosting (IP-based vs. Name-based).
    3. Authentication.
    4. Proxy/cache server and web load balancing.