Welcome to the POET project web page!
POET is an interpreted program transformation language designed to conveniently apply advanced compiler optimizations to applications written in arbitrary programming language and to easily build ad-hoc translators between these languages. The language design specifically focuses on enabling compiler technologies to be used as a toolset to support the following software development needs.
  • Extensive parameterization of compiler optimizations for automatic performance tuning.
  • Programmable Compiler optimizations and interactive tuning of application efficiency.
  • Ad-hoc source-to-source translation and domain-specific code generation.
POET is designed to make compiler optimizations readily available to developers for programmable control and to significantly reduce the development cost of supporting ad-hoc language translation and code generation of domain-specific languages.

For all questions related to POET, please direct them here

Send us feedback!  We appreciate if you could let us know what you're using POET for, or any suggestions you may have for the project.
This research has been funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1261778 (0833203 before 9/2012) and No. 1261811 (0747357 before 9/2012) and by the Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-SC001770